First stage
1st stage 2023
Task 2023 – comprehensive analysis of the real bases of formation of socio-cultural and economic environment in the regions for the last 25 years, comparative analysis of the level of regional differences at the regional, district, urban and rural levels.
- Complex analysis of the real bases of formation of socio-cultural and economic environment in the regions for the last 25 years; comparative analysis of the level of regional differences at the regional, district, urban and rural levels;
- development of the methodology of sociological research, expert and sample sociological research on rating of regional problems;
- assessment of a set of issues of territorial development in the context of border and “problem” regions;
- study of the factors of priority development of regions with compact ethnic minority populations and unpromising rural settlements.
Result 2023 – a comprehensive analysis of the real foundations of the formation of socio-cultural and economic environment in the regions over the past 25 years, a comparative analysis of the level of regional differences at the regional, district, urban and rural levels.
- analyzed the real bases of formation of socio-cultural environment on the basis of combining basic indicators of complex assessment of the regions of Kazakhstan for different periods of time;
- comparative analysis of economic environment and typologization of regions by the method of multidimensional comparative analysis in the context of regions of Kazakhstan on the basis of the developed system of statistical indicators;
- assessment of territorial differences of development levels in the context of cities and rural areas on the basis of grouping of specific indicators of regional statistics;
- the methodology of sociological research, expert and sample sociological research on rating of regional problems on the basis of integrated approach (complex of step-by-step actions) was developed and its approbation was carried out;
- the analysis of territorial development in the context of border and “problem” regions of Kazakhstan, as well as the study of the main problems and factors of priority development of regions of compact ethnic minorities;
- the structure, design, modules and main sections of the information architecture were developed, and the website of the research program was launched, supported and promoted to disseminate the results of the research.