Assel Bekbossinova
Department: Science Department
Office/Location: 8A Abay ave., Almaty , Kazakhstan 050010
Telephone: +7 (727) 259-80-00 Ext.256
Participant Overview
Bekbossinova Assel – Senior Lecturer at the University of International Business named after K. Sagadiyev, Faculty of Finance and Accounting. She has been working in the scientific and pedagogical environment since 2009. She started her work as an assistant at the faculty of “Finance and Accounting” KazEU named after. T.Ryskulova. Over the past five years, he has been actively engaged in research activities. As part of the research group, participates in the implementation of the assigned tasks, including the publication of articles, data collection, participation in conferences.
Email: aselka01@mail.ru
Technical Task for the Project
Section 1. Comprehensive analysis of the socio-cultural environment in the regions of Kazakhstan
Assignment for Publications within the Project
2 scientific articles in journals recommended by CQASES
2 scientific articles in Scopus or WoS
2 scientific articles in international research and practice conferences
Research Interest
Pension systems;
Social politics;
Regional economy;
Sociocultural environment;
Spatial development;
Digital economy;
Sustainable development;
Public administration.
Key Publications
Bekbossinova , A., Kangalakova, D., & Mussabalina , D. (2023). Theoretical Issues of the Development of the Socio-Cultural Environment of the Regions of Kazakhstan. Eurasian Journal of Economic and Business Studies, 1(67), 173–186. https://doi.org/10.47703/ejebs.v1i67.265
Kenzhegulova G.K., Bekbossinova A.S., Kenzhealia Y.A. (2023) The Economic Potential of the Regions of Kazakhstan: Comparative Analysis and Regional Accessibility. Economics: the strategy and practice, 18(2), 160-173. https://doi.org/10.51176/1997-9967-2023-2-160-173
Bekbossinova, A. S., Oshanova, K. Y., Khassenova, K. K., Alpysbayeva, A. K., & Moldasheva, A. B. (2022). Advantages and Disadvantages of Early Withdrawal of Pension Savings: an Expert Assessment. Economics: the strategy and practice, 17(3), 242-258. https://doi.org/10.51176/1997-9967-2022-3-242-258
Satpayeva Z.T., Bekbossinova A.S., Ryskulova M.M. The Impact of the Financial Wellbeing of the Elderly of Kazakhstan on Their Family Life. Economics: the strategy and practice. 2021;16(3):152-166. https://doi.org/10.51176/1997-9967-2021-3-152-166
Bekbossinova, A., Orynbet, P., Anessova, A. & Kenzhegulova, G. (2023) Basic theories and conditions of sustainable regional development. International Forum “Trajectories of Development of Kazakhstan in The Conditions of Global Challenges”, Almaty, Kazakhstan
External Links
Grant holder of the international program “Bolashak” in the direction of scientific internships, (2013)
Winner of a grant from the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the project “Young Scientist” (2023)