Akan Nurbatsin


Department: Center for Applied Analytics

Office/Location: 8A Abay ave., Almaty , Kazakhstan 050010

Telephone: +7 707 187 8796

Email:  nurbatsin.a@uib.kz

Participant Overview

Head of the “Center for Applied Analytics”, Senior Researcher, PhD candidate, senior lecturer of the Department of Finance and Accounting at the K. Sagadiev University of International Business. He has been working in the scientific and pedagogical environment since 2019. He has repeatedly participated as a performer in grant research projects. As part of the research group, participates in the implementation of the tasks set, including the publication of articles, the preparation of sections according to the calendar plan.

Scopus ID: H-index = 2 (57221089302)

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5390-5776