Zhanar Yeszhanova


Department: Faculty of Finance

Office/Location: 8A Abay ave., Almaty , Kazakhstan 050010

Telephone: +7 (727) 259-80-00 вн.256

Email: eszhan78@mail.ru

Participant Overview

Yeszhanova Zhanar Zhomartovna – Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Accounting, University of International Business named after K. Sagadiev. She has been working in the scientific and pedagogical environment since 2001. She started her work as an assistant of the department “Finance, accounting and taxation” of the East Kazakhstan State Technical University. D. Serikbaeva. For 20 years he has been actively engaged in research activities. As part of the research group, he participates in the implementation of the assigned tasks, including the publication of articles, data collection, participation in conferences.